Are you suffering from acne? Does it affect your everyday life and your self-confidence? If your answer is yes, you are not alone as this problem happens to millions of us. Fortunately, there are various treatment options that can help keep acne under control.
Here are some simple yet useful tips that you can follow to treat your acne.
Top 10 useful tips for acne care:
- Don’t pop or squeeze your pimples because it may cause more inflammation. If you avoid squeezing them then they will heal faster with less chance of scarring.
- Avoid soaps with harsh chemicals and grainy scrubs as they can increase irritation and worsen the acne. Instead, wash your face twice daily with a mild cleanser and warm water which minimizes irritation.
- Oil-free soaps won’t cause acne or clog your pores. So, choose those products that are labelled oil-free, non-acnegenic (don’t cause acne) and non-comedogenic (don’t clog pores).
- If you use a washcloth make sure you use a clean one every time.
- It’s a myth that oily food, junk food and chocolate cause pimples. Acne is caused when pores are blocked by oil, skin cells, and bacteria that cause inflammation. So, you can enjoy your favorite foods.
- Avoid oil-based cosmetic products which include creamy foundation and blushes because they can clog your pores. Instead use mineral-based cosmetic products that are light and powdery.
- No matter how tired you are, make sure to wash off your makeup before going to bed.
- Avoid sunbathing or tanning because the ultraviolet (UV) rays from sun can increase your risk for skin cancer, wrinkles and premature aging. Also, there are some acne medications that contain ingredients that can make your skin sensitive to UV rays.
- Use sunscreens that have a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher and says “broad spectrum” on the label. This means that it will protect you from ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B rays. Use a generous amount of sunscreen and reapply it after every 2 hours. A couple good sunscreens include La Roche Posay Anthelios XL and MD Solar Cream.
- Avoid rubbing or touching acne on your face because it can make it worse. Sweat also worsens the condition, so immediately wash up if you’re sweaty after exercise or sports.
Although these are some simple tips that you can follow to take care of your acne it may be necessary to use medications to treat your acne. Contact Board Certified Dermatologist, Dr Marie V. Hayag for a consultation to review possible causes for your acne and also discuss skin care and treatment options to get clear acne-free skin.