hair loss


At first you need to just examine, are you really suffering from hair loss at a great extent? Each morning count your shed hairs from your bed pillow, bed linens, shower cabin drain, and from comb and hair brush. Also, collect hair from your clothing. Now you have to count all shed hairs and try to put all of them in an envelope, now mark each day along with number of hairs that you put into the envelope. You must use new envelope each day. Do this task for at least two weeks. Then visit to a dermatologist as he/she can guide you well by evaluating the total amount of the lost hairs, examine well, whether your hair pulled out or break or being shed.

Let’s see an overview of Hair Loss, its causes in men and women and treatment options:

What is hair loss?

Hair loss is also called as alopecia or baldness. It refers to loss of hair from parts of head or body, mainly head is involved. Normally people lose about 50-100 hair strands every day. Inflammation or scarring is not present during the condition.

What causes hair loss in men?

Most common cause of hair fall is Pattern baldness or androgen tic alopecia. It affects 15% of women and 70% of men.

Minimum, two sequential processes contribute to the pattern loss that begins with hair follicles’ abnormal sensitivity to androgens (male sex hormones). After that, the local immune reaction to affected hair follicles further damages it which eventually takes towards actual death. Hair loss occurs to much greater degree in men and the pattern of hair loss starts with back of the head or with the hairline, advances to thin from head top, and often leaves just an edge of hair extending from ear to ear across back of the head affecting the shorter, thinner and less parietal portions.

What causes hair loss in women?

In women, pattern loss is little more in diffusive form occurring over a wider area. Usually women do not suffer from any bald spots, but mostly suffer from thinner hairs. Some other causes are genes, stress, illness, childbirth, drugs, injuries, burns, X-rays, autoimmune disease, cosmetic procedures, low-protein diet, thyroid problem, diabetes, and anemia.

What is hair loss treatment?

There are various hair loss treatments available for hair loss. The treatment depends on the type of hair loss which you are experiencing. The various options of treatments are topical treatments, oral medications and surgical procedures (hair transplant). Most common medications are Finasteride, Minoxidil, Spironolactone, corticosteroids and Iron supplementation. Doctor’s recommendation is necessary before taking these medicines.

What benefits you will get with the hair loss treatment by our dermatologist:

  • Completely natural & safe hair procedures
  • No more hair shed
  • Re-growth of healthy & thick hairs
  • Complete implementation of natural hair by hair transplantation
  • Excessive growth of hair
Consult Marie Hayag, MD to treat your Hair Loss:

Dr. Marie V Hayag MD is a reliable & trustworthy dermatologist. She provides safe procedures with advanced and best hair fall treatment to the people living in NYC, Upper East Side. Contact us now to see remarkable results!